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The vegan megabus

Introducing ethical travel with the vegan coach

We’re constantly looking for ways to meet the changing demands of the UK’s coach travellers, and today we’re jumping on board with one of the country’s fastest moving trends. People make choices on responsibly sourced diets, clothing, and energy every day – so why not travel?

Meet the world’s first vegan coach. Coming soon to a city near you, the vegan coach will be the most ethical and socially responsible way to get up and down the UK.

Take a tour around Britain’s most sustainable way to travel!


On-board the Vegan Coach


You’ll instantly be able to recognise the new megabus as it transports Britain’s vegans around the country. Rather than our usual blue exterior, the vegan coach will adopt an eco-friendly, earth-like green. Step inside to see a similar green colour scheme, with an interior that is more peaceful and neighbourly to our planet than any seen in the industry before.

The coach is entirely animal-free. From the seats in which you sit to the food you devour on your journey; no animals will be harmed in the making of your trip.

For example, sit yourself down in the megabus vegan coach, and you’ll be met with the soft and snug feel of mushroom leather against your skin. All other materials will be made from plant-based alternatives, with any fabrics made from the hemp plant.

Beneath your feet, you’ll find a grass lawn. On the vegan coach, we’ll encourage people to have a shoe-less journey, helping them to keep in touch with the earth as they travel. “Earthing”, as the discipline is called, is a connection of your body with the Earth’s natural energy. As a popular sub-culture of the vegan movement, we wanted to give passengers every opportunity to stay in touch with Planet Earth whilst on the move.

Naturally, all food served on board the coach will be vegan-friendly. Falafel, hummus, and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables will help keep everyone fuelled throughout the journey. Plus, we’ll be handing out protein shakes to all those onboard, giving you everything you need to stay fit for your onward journey.

To minimise the opportunity for waste onboard the vegan coach, all food and beverages we serve will also be served with 100% edible packaging.


Aside from fuelling the people on board, the fuel for the coach will continue our theme of responsible travel. Fitted with an electric engine, the power for the vegan coach will come from the universe’s most sustainable energy source – the sun. Roof-mounted solar panels will keep the battery charged throughout the journey; such is our commitment to using responsibly sourced energy.

Not only will passengers be well fed during the all-vegan trip, but they’ll also well entertained. To keep spreading the good word of veganism, we’ll be showing pro-vegan documentaries throughout the journey, reinforcing the lifestyle benefits on your body and the planet.

In order to create a calm, safe space in which vegans can travel, we ask that only practicing vegans, who are as dedicated to the lifestyle as we are, board these journeys. To remain consistent, only vegan staff members will be deployed to serve on the vegan coach, including the driver.


Coming soon to a vegan city near you

We’re excited to provide people with the opportunity to extend their beliefs into the way they like to travel. Veganism is a growing lifestyle in the UK, and we’re proud to be giving the choice to people who wish to extend this to another aspect of their lives.

The maiden megabus vegan coach journey is coming soon, and to commemorate its launch, we’ll be running a service between the UK’s two most vegan-friendly cities. Bristol and Edinburgh came top of a study conducted in January 2019, making it the ideal route for total vegan bliss.

Stay tuned to for more details on ticket availability for our vegan coach. In the meantime, let us know what you think of our ethical, sustainable travel by heading to our Facebook page or contacting us on Twitter @megabusuk.


Published on 29th March 2019
